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Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships operates hospital ships that deliver free surgeries and other healthcare services to those with little access to safe medical care. An international faith-based organization, Mercy Ships has focused entirely on partnering with African nations for the past three decades. Working with in-country partners, Mercy Ships also provides training to local healthcare professionals and supports the construction of in-country medical infrastructure to leave a lasting impact.

Each year, more than 3,000 volunteer professionals from over 60 countries globally serve on board the world’s two largest non-governmental hospital ships, the Africa Mercy and the Global Mercy. Professionals such as surgeons, dentists, nurses, health trainers, teachers, cooks, and engineers dedicate their time and skills to accelerate access to safe surgical, obstetric and anesthetic care. Mercy Ships was founded in 1978 and has offices in 16 countries globally as well as an Africa Service Center in Dakar, Senegal.  The work of Mercy Ships is only made possible by the generosity of supporters and volunteers - like you! For more information, visit or


Why Africa?

In 1990, Mercy Ships began focusing on program delivery in Africa, with an emphasis on countries ranked by the United Nations Human Development as being in greatest need.  93% of the people in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to safe, affordable and timely surgery.  


Here's a great video that explains all the cool things Mercy Ships does!




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