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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #2 Hope

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

It has been a busy few months with lots of ups and downs, but we are leaving in less than a month to serve with Mercy Ships. This would not have been possible without your support. We are genuinely overwhelmed by people's encouragement, prayers, and financial contributions. We have currently raised 90 percent of our required support amount! Please watch this video to see a glimpse of some of the amazing work that Mercy Ships do. We feel incredibly blessed to have this opportunity to be a small part of this incredible organization!

On June 1st we will be flying to Austin, Texas, to visit my sister and her family before we head to training on June 14th. The Mercy Ships' headquarters is located in Lyndale, Texas. Due to Covid, we will be spending a bit more time at headquarters than originally expected. God's plan is good, and this change in our timeline will allow us to spend some extra time with my sister and her family as they live 3 1/2 hours from the Mercy Ship headquarters! Chris will have time to work with the current Mercy Ship Academy Principal and Academy Director to prepare for his new role. Plans for the location where we will be serving have also changed, and we will be headed to Senegal this year and Madagascar the following year.

For more information and a tour of the Academy, check out this video!

In the past year, our world has been turned upside down. Navigating through Covid and preparing to leave for Mercy Ships has been challenging. We have understood in a new profound way that the only constants in life are change and our faith. God has been the only sure thing in these times of change and chaos. He has given us hope and peace through all of the ups and downs that are indescribable. We have been keeping a list of all the ways we have seen God's hand at work in the process of preparing for Mercy Ships and are at number 50!

We are so grateful that our children have adjusted well to all of the changes and challenges so far. In the past couple of months we have sold most of their toys and they still seem to find things to play with! The girls have already made plans to Facetime with Ethan at least once a week to stay connected!

Below is a picture of the girls playing store (notice the masks and sanitizing supplies!) and they creatively have made all sorts of things out of packing boxes.

When I was worried about the kids not having a backyard or things to play with, a friend reminded me that the ship will be their playground!


We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure ~Hebrews 6:19


Thank you for joining us on this journey to bring hope and healing to those in need! We would love it if you prayed for us as we finish up with last-minute preparations to leave. Leaving Ethan behind when we fly off on June 1st will be a challenge - please pray for both him and the rest of our family. If you have any questions or want more information please reach out to us - we would love to hear from you!

With joy and love,

The Attwaters


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Cathie Attwater
Cathie Attwater
Jul 30, 2021

Hello, once and all;

Wishing each of you the very best adventure ever as you move forward with your plans and dreams and hopes! God bless you. Aunt CathieOX


Andy Attwater
Andy Attwater
May 10, 2021

We continue to pray for you all as you head off on a journey of a life time. The Lord is good and will continue to direct you as time goes on. Uncle Andy and Aunt Pansy


Suzanne Bansie
Suzanne Bansie
May 10, 2021

We will continue to pray! Just love watching God work out all the details!! He is so good. Although we will miss you terribly we are so excited for this great adventure as you become the hands and feet of Jesus🙏🏼💜

Shae-Lynne Attwater
Shae-Lynne Attwater
May 10, 2021
Replying to

Thanks Suz! We will sure miss you and your family, too!💕

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