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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #20 Back to the Ship

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

After a couple of months of making cherished memories with family and friends in Canada, we are back on the Global Mercy Ship in Tenerife, Canary Islands! It is just Araina, Amayah, and I here for now - Chris has a few things to take care of in Canada so he will join us in a few weeks. Thanks to everyone for making time to see us this summer - our hearts are full!

On August 17th we begin the five-day sail from Tenerife to Sierra Leone.

School on the ship at the Mercy Ships Academy started on Tuesday! Araina is in Grade 6 and Amayah is in Grade 3. It has been great being back on the Global Mercy to reconnect with the crew members that were here for the field service in Senegal. We have also had the opportunity to meet many new families that arrived on the ship while we were away in Canada.

This is a fantastic little video hosted by Araina's classmate, Oliver! He is from New Zealand and did it for a local TV show back home. His brother, Lucas, is Amayah's good friend. Please watch it to see a little glimpse of what life is like here on the Global Mercy Ship!

Thank you for your ongoing prayers, encouragement, and support! We are so privileged to have the opportunity to be back here on the Global Mercy Ship. We will be on the Global Mercy in Sierra Leone until January 2024 and then transfer back to the Africa Mercy and head to Madagascar in February. If you would like to support us financially, please click this link if you are Canadian:

U.S. citizens can donate here:

We would love if you would let us know if you make a donation. Due to CRA regulations, if you make a donation to Mercy Ships Canada we are not notified or provided any information about donors. Leaving our family and friends for another field service with Mercy Ships was not easy. We miss them so much already! However, we know that this is where we are meant to be, and are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this amazing organization.


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. ~Jeremiah 29:11-12


Prayer Points


- safe travels to Canada and back to the Mercy Ship

- many cherished memories with wonderful family & friends

- the Global Mercy Ship is ready to set sail for our field service in Sierra Leone


- for all the crew needed for our field service in Sierra Leone

- continued peace as we navigate many upcoming transitions and changes

- The Africa Mercy refit process to be completed on time so the ship is ready to sail to Madagascar in February 2024.

- For Mercy Ships as an organization, there are many complexities and moving parts as they work toward staffing two vessels.

With lots of love and gratitude,

Shae, Chris, Araina, & Amayah


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