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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #25 Magnificent Madagascar

It's been 4 months since we sailed into Madagascar and surgeries on the ship will finally happen next week! Our screening team has traveled all over the country..which is not easy since the roads are some of the most horrible in all of the world. The hospital crew have been busy unpacking, cleaning, and sterilizing things to prepare for the patients. Chris's team has the dock all set up with tents and everything needed to begin our field service here in Toamasina, Madagascar. Since we sailed into Madagascar, Mercy Ships has faced many challenges - from supply orders to staffing. All of these things have impacted our field service making it what long-term Mercy Shippers say has been the most difficult start-up ever.

Our family has also had some challenges since arriving in Madagascar. About a month after we arrived, we got a call that our dear friend, Ian, passed away leaving behind his lovely wife, Suzanne, and 14-year-old son, Ty. Then, 2 days later we received a call that Chris's Dad had 2 - 3 days to live. So, the next day we booked flights back to Canada and the day after started our journey home - this included a 13-hour bus ride and then a flight to Paris, then to Toronto and finally landing in Saskatoon. God's protection and provision was so evident, and we felt His incredible peace during our travels (even when we landed right after a huge snowstorm in Saskatoon) and while in Canada! We were incredibly blessed to get to be there to honor the lives of Chris's dad and our friend Ian, to support our loved ones, and also visit with my family to celebrate my mom's 80th birthday.

Each year before the hospital opens up for patients the crew are invited to Hospital Open House. It is a wonderful time to see and experience some of the things that happen in the hospital and one of Araina and Amayah's favourite memories from their time with Mercy Ships.

Each year the Junior High and High School Students from the Academy get to do a work experience week in a department on the ships. Araina is in Grade 6 this year, so she was allowed to participate for the first time and chose the Dental Department. She LOVED her week thanks to our incredible volunteers in this department! We may have a future dentist in the family!

The HOPE (Hospital Outpatient Extension) Center is almost ready for patients to arrive. This is where our patients go before coming to the ship if they are not ready for their surgery and where they go after surgery until they are well enough to go home. It is located about 20 minutes from the port where the Africa Mercy. Last Sunday, crew were invited to come and pray for the HOPE Center before our patients arrive. Singing in English, Malagasy and French was so beautiful!

Last week we had an Inauguration Ceremony where government officials and other local partners came to the ship to celebrate the opening of the hospital and mark the start of the surgical schedule. Later that evening the ship hosted a Crew and Day Crew Party with a barbeque, local drummers, a live band, and a special performance from our Africa Mercy choir and the Elementary choir. Both Araina and Amayah sang in the choir. Thank you to their teacher, Miss Beth, for all that she does for the choir. It was a lovely day and evening!


The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9



- the ship is almost ready to serve our first patients of this field service

- a safe and memorable trip to Canada for our family

- good friends on the ship for our girls (and Chris and I, too!)

- God's protection, guidance and love


- for all the patients who will be traveling to the ship to receive their life-changing surgeries soon

- for all the supplies needed and other logistical things that need to happen during this field service

- our family as we continue to have more transitions on the way - more details to come soon

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or want information about Mercy Ships and the work we are doing. You can email us at or Shae at 

We are so grateful for your ongoing prayers, love, and financial support. It is truly a privilege to serve with Mercy Ships and be a small part of bringing hope and healing to the people in Madagascar.  

With lots of love and gratitude,

Shae, Chris, Araina, & Amayah


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May 25

My deepest condolences to all of you for the loss of your dad Chris and your friend Ian. Happy belated birthday to your mom Shae. I have been reading all your blogs, what an experience for both of you and girls! Thanks for keeping us updated and stay safe!


Kirstie Y. Berger
Kirstie Y. Berger
May 25

I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your father-in-law and family friend. I'm glad you were able to come back home and spend time with family. Your girls have grown so much since you first started this journey! Take care. Xx

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