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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #26 Big News for our Family

Updated: Jun 21

It is with a mix of emotions from excitement to sadness that we share the news that after three years of volunteer service with Mercy Ships, we have decided to end our commitment and return to Canada. We were planning to serve with Mercy Ships until June 2025, but the Lord had other plans for us. These past three years have been filled with many highs and lows, but the Lord has been faithful to us and our family. This was so unexpected, but God has made it very clear that this is the path we are to follow. Chris and I have both accepted full-time teaching roles in Vernon, British Columbia at the same Christian school the girls will attend in the fall. We are excited to be in the same time zone as Ethan! We will leave Madagascar on July 1st, 2024, to attend a multi-day debrief session before returning to Canada. After arriving in Canada we plan to spend time with Chris's family in Dalmeny before heading west to B.C.


The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9


It's been a strange time to prepare to leave since the field service has just started and surgeries have begun here on the Africa Mercy here in Madagascar.

Here's a great video about little Anjara and getting ready to do her surgery.


- surgeries have started!

-another wonderful year completed at Mercy Ships Academy for Araina & Amayah

- our amazing teachers at the Academy

- God's guidance, protection, and love


- for more crew in all departments to come to serve on the Africa Mercy

- for all of our patients recovering and those who are waiting for their surgeries

- various practical needs that need to be sorted out by mid-August, finding an affordable vehicle in Saskatchewan to drive to B.C. and housing in Vernon.

- our family as we process saying goodbye and transition back to Canada

If you want more information about our experience with Mercy Ships or our return to Canada, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by email at or Shae at or give us a call to chat.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for embarking on this journey over the past three years. We would not have been able to do it without your prayers, donations, and friendship. A quick note for our financial supporters, any extra funds that you have donated stay with Mercy Ships. If you are a monthly donor, please contact Catherine Tremblay if you would like to continue supporting Mercy Ships or discuss the possibility of supporting another Canadian family headed to the Africa Mercy this August. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

With lots of love and gratitude,

Chris, Shae, Araina & Amayah


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1 comentário

Ann Thompson
Ann Thompson
19 de jun.

What a beautiful story of your three years with Mery Ships! We are so blessed to have become your friends during our brief time on the AFM in Senegal. Our prayers go with you during this big transition home and continue with the amazing ministry with Mercy Ships! Love you guys! 😘

Thompson Family

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