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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #6 Flights are Booked!

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

After many months of planning, preparing, and waiting our flights are booked and we are leaving Texas on Sunday, September 13th for the Africa Mercy! The ship is currently in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria getting some much needed TLC. Here are some photos to show the progress from the past week or so!

Once we get to Las Palmas, we will have a couple of weeks to get the school up and running. The Academy staff have been lucky enough to have a few teachers working here in Texas at the International Support Center (where we have been staying since we got to Texas). They have been using this time to plan and be ready to serve the families and students of the volunteers onboard the Africa Mercy. The Academy school year begins October 4th. Due to Covid, the school has been shut down for over a year so there will be quite a bit of things to do to set up the school. We have loved seeing so many Back-to-School photos on Facebook and Instagram - it has our whole family excited for the upcoming school year to begin!

Here is a link to the Mercy Ships Academy blog. This blog post introduces two of the amazing teachers who will be teaching at the Academy on the Africa Mercy with us this year!

We will be saying good-bye to the place we called home for the past couple of months. This is the "Quarter Deck" (it's a 4-plex and we lived in the corner apartment) at Mercy Ships International Support Center near Lindale, Texas.

Jesse, one of the wonderful teachers working at the ISC with us took this cute video of the girls over to Lisa's house (a fellow Mercy Ship staffer) to see her bees and garden.

We are so grateful for our time here in Texas but are very excited to hop on the plane and be one step closer to serving with Mercy Ships in Africa. As well, we are grateful for everyone who is reading this and who are a part of our journey!


Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a

new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? ~ Isaiah 45: 18 - 19


If you are a praying person we would love prayer for the following:

  • safe travels for our family and all other volunteers traveling to the Africa Mercy in Las Palmas, Canary Islands

  • the teachers and administrators as they prepare to get the Academy ready for the beginning of the school year on October 4th

  • Araina, Amayah, and all of the other students as they transition to school at the Academy on the ship

  • Ethan as he begins his second year at the University of Regina

With lots of love,

Shae, Chris, Araina & Amayah


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1 Kommentar

03. Sept. 2021

I read about the academics and the programs- gotta love those low student teacher ratios!

You no doubt are more than ready to get into teaching again and your daughters are surely ready too …. plus …. ready to enjoy some fun after school activities!Best wishes to your son on his second year of university !

😷 Brenda Weisbrot

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