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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #5 Home is Where the Heart Is

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

When I was out for a run the other day, this beautiful heart-shaped leaf was lying right in my path. As I continued my run I kept thinking about how our home really is where our heart is - and not an actual house like I once thought. In the past few months, we sold our house and most of our things and have been staying at the Mercy Ships headquarters, at my sister's house, and with various friends. During this time I have found that the thing that has given me the most peace in my heart is being surrounded by the most wonderful people and keeping routines of things that make my heart happy. Our friends and family have made us feel so loved. Routines like going for a run, making a latte in the morning (thanks to my handy little Aeropress), playing 4 Kings in the Corner with my family (my Grandma taught me this card game), making energy bites and other favourite recipes, bedtime snuggles and stories, and daily quiet time, and church on Sunday (we miss our home church but have loved checking out new churches) have all helped me feel at home no matter where we are. These are just a few of the things that make me feel like home really is where the heart is!


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~ Matthew 6:21


Due to Covid and delays in heading to the ship, the girls and I were able to go back to Georgetown, Texas to spend a couple more weeks with my sister and her family while Chris took a short break and continued working at the Academy office. My sister and I realized that this was the most time we have spent together since we were kids. We made so many cherished memories and are very grateful for this extra time together!

We will have some big changes in the next month as we fly to the Canary Islands on September 13th. Once we get there we will be living on the Africa Mercy for a couple of months while they do some renovations to the ship and prepare for us to go to Senegal.

This is a picture of Africa Mercy right now as they are doing renovations. They are repairing the hull, replacing some windows, and painting.

If you are a praying person we would love prayer for the following:

  • preparations as we get ready to leave Texas

  • safe travels to the Canary Islands

  • Africa Mercy renovations

  • Araina and Amayah's academic growth, as they have missed quite a bit of school and don't start their school year until October 4th.

  • staying connected to Ethan and other family and friends

  • peace during all of the upcoming changes

With love,

Shae, Chris, Araina & Amayah


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2 commenti

Kirstie Y. Berger
Kirstie Y. Berger
27 ago 2021

I love seeing those big smiles from Araina and Amayah. Praying for your family as you continue to navigate this new journey.

Mi piace

Barclee Huggins
Barclee Huggins
24 ago 2021

Reminds me of a quote we first heard when overseas that now resonates in our lives:

“You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart always will be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.” - Miriam Adeney

Your family is in our prayers,

Mi piace
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