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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #21 Starting out in Sierra Leone

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

Hello! It's hard to believe that it's October already....especially without the beautiful fall leaves changing colour around us. The girls and I sailed to Sierra Leone, Africa in August and Chris had some things to finish up in Canada so flew in a couple of weeks later. The Global Mercy docked near Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. We had a very warm welcome from hundreds of people celebrating our arrival. Some of them were Mercy Ships crew who had been here months before to screen for patients. Government officials, ministers, and many other local people were also waiting on the dock for our arrival. Mercy Ships has a history with Sierra Leone and did field services here in 2001, 2002, 2003 & 2011. Some of the people who were helped or involved during those field services were also on the dock. One of these people is our Country Director, Sandra Lako. Her parents volunteered on the ship when she was young and growing up on the Mercy Ship inspired her to become a doctor. Dr. Lako has lived and worked in Sierra Leone for over 16 years. Below is a very touching story of a woman named Hawa. Hawa received surgery during the 2011 Mercy Ships field service in Freetown. She is now studying to be a nurse and was on the dock waiting for us to arrive!

One of the jobs of Chris's Transportation and Maintenance Department is to load and secure all of our vehicles for the sail. These pictures give a glimpse of what it takes to do this. It is a Mercy Ships tradition to wave flags of the nations represented on the ship upon arrival to each new country. The picture on the top right shows the landscape of Sierra Leone as we sailed in. We immediately noticed how much more green and lush it was in comparison to Senegal.

The hospital opened a couple of weeks ago and we have done maxillofacial and reconstructive plastic surgeries. This week we begin preoperative assessments for eye surgeries. The need for us to be here is great and the impact of Mercy Ships to this nation is incredible. We often have people waiting outside the portgate to try to talk to someone about getting surgery. Whenever we go out in the community we always have at least one person approach us to inquire about getting surgery. It is truly heartbreaking as we know that they really have very little hope of getting surgery without Mercy Ships. There are five general surgeons and over 8.2 million people in Sierra Leone.

Here is a quick video of our first patient, Emmanuel, who received surgery to remove a soft-tissue tumor from his neck.

Chris has been busy helping with many things on the dock and at the HOPE Center. He has also been planning for the Africa Mercy's next field service in Madagascar where he will be the Transportation Manager. We fly to South Africa to move back onto the Africa Mercy in January 2024. I continue to be a part of our Chaplaincy team supporting crew and planning events to help our crew build connections. I am continuing to work with Araina and another student who has dyslexia. I have also decided to further my education and do a practicum to increase my knowledge and skills in the Orton Gillingham approach to developing reading and writing skills. This practicum is a big financial investment, but I know that it will allow me to help so many students with dyslexic thinking and also those without to experience greater academic success.

We love getting out to explore this beautiful country! We have visited markets, a beach, an orphanage, the National Museum, a rock climbing center, and a chimpanzee sanctuary. It has been such an interesting place to be, but some days my heart hurts when we go out because of the extreme poverty here. The other day we watched the movie 'Blood Diamonds' and heard from a couple of our crew who were living here and survived the civil war in 1991. It's such a tragic story but gives some context to why the situation is the way that it is here today.


I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise; I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased. ~Psalm 138:2-3


Some days we really miss home and are grateful for some of the traditions that can continue while we are here. One of these traditions is playing a game my Grandma taught my sisters and me called 'Four Kings in the Cornor'.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers, words of encouragement, and support! We appreciate you all so much!


- Our sail was smooth Chris arrived safely in Sierra Leone.

- Shae and three other crew were in a car accident, but all are doing well.

- The hospital is open and surgeries have begun on the Global Mercy Ship


- For all staffing needs for the remainder of GLM field service in Sierra Leone and the AFM field service coming up in Madagascar.

- Continued peace as we navigate many upcoming transitions and changes.

Have you ever thought about volunteering with Mercy Ships? If you or anyone you know may be interested, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our most pressing need right now is hospital staff, but there are many roles that need to be filled such as in the dining room.

If you would like to support us financially, please click this link if you are Canadian:

U.S. citizens can donate here:

We would love if you would let us know if you make a donation. Due to CRA regulations, we are not notified when a donation is made to Mercy Ships Canada on our behalf. If it is on your heart to provide some support for Shae's practicum, it is best to reach out directly to her or do an etransfer. Money donated to Mercy Ships Canada does not go directly to us and is only for essentials while onboard.

With love,

Chris, Shae-Lynne, Araina & Amayah


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Ann Thompson
Ann Thompson
Oct 08, 2023

Wow Shae! What a bra summary of your new chapter w/ MS. I literalLy got goose bumps reading about your plans with them and your career opportunity! How wonderful!! Praying for your requests. May God supply all your needs, according to His riches in Glory!!!


Oct 02, 2023

I’m sorry to hear about your car accident, Shae! Glad you’re alright, but I imagine it was still unpleasant. 💛

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