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  • Writer's pictureShae-Lynne Attwater

Blog #13 Steadfast

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

The definition of steadfast is unwavering; firmly fixed in place; immovable; fixed in direction "a steadfast gaze"; staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly. Steadfast is a word I've seen in the Bible many times, and this past month has really helped me to truly understand the meaning. In the past couple of weeks, the word steadfast kept coming to my even popped up six times when I was reading my Bible one day. Then, as I was running a song on my playlist came on and I realized it was called Steadfast. I was definitely feeling like God was calling me to be steadfast, but it sure wasn't easy! Things have been quite challenging for our family and many others on the Africa Mercy. We have had to choose to be steadfast in faith and firmly fixed on God and not on the circumstances around us. During this time, we have also witnessed God's steadfast love and faithfulness to us, too.


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.

~ Psalm 136


Approximately one month ago, we had our worst COVID outbreak onboard the Africa Mercy. This meant surgeries stopped for a week and everyone had to be in 'lock down' in our cabins for two weeks, only leaving for school, work, and to pick up food. During this time Amayah and Chris both got the flu (along with many other crew members). Then, after these two weeks, Amayah was a close contact and had to stay an additional five days in our cabin. Between lockdowns, unending restrictions, an accompanying flu outbreak, containers shipped months ago without Easter supplies not arriving, and a few other challenging situations on board..we were all feeling quite discouraged...except for the kids! They made the most of their time by being creative, playing a LOT of Monopoly (Amayah's competitive nature really came out!), reading, and playing cards. The girls got these cool 'Brain Flakes' and kept very busy making all sorts of things! This time also allowed the Academy students to care for others and drop off little goodies and cards to those who were sick.

Here is a video of Amayah after many days in quarantine enjoying her hour of outside time and I thought of this quote while I watched her:

Another challenge we have been faced with is our future with Mercy Ships. The crew from the Africa Mercy and our brand new ship, The Global Mercy, will merge in January while the Africa Mercy goes to South Africa for what is called 'refit'. This is when the ship will get major repairs completed. At this time, Chris will no longer be needed as a principal since there is already one on the Global Mercy. Consequently, we are not sure where we will be as of January 2023. We would love to stay with Mercy Ships in another position, but our future is completely in the Lord's hands right now. This is hard for someone like me who likes to have a plan!


You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

~ Isaiah 26:3\


Just before we had to quarantine we were able to go with wonderful friends on a safari!

A couple of teachers and I organized a Student Council at the Academy and planning activities with them has brought so much joy lately! We had twin/triplet day, costume day, crazy hair day, wacky socks day, and backward day. Here are some highlights:

Throughout this field service, we have heard that it is very different on the Africa Mercy compared to past years. Covid restrictions are limiting our connection to the patients, to Dakar, and to our on-ship community. There used to be times when the crew could visit patients, kids enjoyed recess together, and there were opportunities to go on community outreach excursions to orphanages, schools, etc. We had no idea that this is how things would be over two years after Covid changed the world. We still feel very blessed to be able to be a small part of the wonderful things happening here. It's the little things like Araina and her friend getting excited that one of the little girls waiting on the dock high-fived them or the smiling faces as we wave from deck seven to the patients leaving that keep giving us hope. Here is a wonderful video that was recently made by our communications department here on the ship. It features one of our patients, Assiatou, who was badly burned on her feet in a car accident as a young child. This will also give you an idea about what life in Senegal is like, in case you were wondering!


Count it all joy, my brother, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

~James 1:2-3


Praise & Thankfulness:

  • Surgeries are continuing to transform lives.

  • Everyone on the AFM is healthy and covid free.

  • Our girls are having amazing opportunities to grow and learn academically, emotionally, and spiritually.

  • Wonderful weather here in Senegal

  • Ethan successfully completed his second year of Business at the University of Regina.


  • The Global Mercy Ship safely sails here to Dakar in a couple of weeks

  • That Ethan comes to visit us this summer.

  • For a strong last few weeks of school at the Academy.

  • For our summer plans to fall into place.

  • That we would find peace in uncertain times while we wait on the Lord for our future plans.

I will build my house Whether storm or drought On the rock that does not move I will set my hope In your love, O Lord And Your faithfulness will prove You are steadfast, steadfast.

~Josh Garrells

We are always thrilled to get mail! If you feel like reaching out, you can send mail to this address and we should get it in a few weeks:

Mercy Ships - AFM- Crew Mail

Chris (or Shae, Araina, or Amayah) Attwater

15862 State Highway 110 N.

Lindale, Texas



If you would like to support us financially, please use the link below or click on the DONATE button at the top of our website. We are so grateful for all of your support and prayers throughout this journey. We wouldn't be here without YOU!

With lots of love and gratitude,

Chris, Shae, Araina, & Amayah


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1 Comment

May 21, 2022

Always enjoy receiving your news from afar! I really enjoyed listening to the Steadfast music video. I closed my eyes while listening to the lyrics and said a little prayer for you that things will work out for you, Chris and your family. Keep up the good ‘steadfast’ thinking and teaching !🙂💕

Hugs from Calgary!

Brenda Weisbrot

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